Disclosure, Sam Smith Cover Drake 'Hotline Bling' On BBC Radio 1

Disclosure: Omen

Disclosure: Hotline Bling

The three artists have been doing some prep for the live cover and rendition lately and it pays off. "Omen" sounds as tight as the version on the album, but there is still the magic of it being doen live.

The Drake cover is the bit of music that has people excited. Disclosure let fans know they were covering Drake only earlier today right as they were about to get on air. The brothers hail Drake as one of their favorite artists in his field as they introduce the cover.

The "Hotline Bling" cover is more soulful and laidback then the original as Sam Smith, an equal in wooing women with his voice croons out the 6 God's reflective lyrics about an ex.

Disclosure flip the instrumental into something of their own, keeping soulful, but also with a house spin.

Wrapping up the cover, Amfo is left nearly speechless and starts to read off high praise from the listeners. She is not the only one in saying that there are many who would like to see this cover released in some way or another.

Listen to the full segment on BBC Radio 1 and skip ahead to 8:55 for the Drake cover. Caracal will be released on Sept. 25.

Disclosure, Sam Smith, Drake
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