Love & Hip Hop Atlanta stars Althea Heart and Benzino announced during the Summer that they were expecting. Now, only one month away from the expected delivery date in November, Althea "Thi Thi" is still looking great (and like she's ready to pop), in the pregnancy photos recently released through social media.
Rolling Out reported that the couple made the big pregnancy announcement in July via Instagram where the caption "GOODMORNING [World] YES, HE'S COMING!! ," was posted by Benzino with a photo of cigars in a blue box that read "it's a boy."
Now, as the days grow closer to the arrival of their son, the couple has been posting photos together showing just how excited they are. Benzino acknowledged how beautiful he thinks she is pregnant in these Instagram posts.
She's so beautiful pregnant....
A photo posted by BENZINO BABY (@iambenzino) on Oct 6, 2015 at 12:06pm PDT
and reminisced a little with this side by side photo showing the couple then, and now.
2 years ago then, and right now......❤️ A photo posted by BENZINO BABY (@iambenzino) on Oct 7, 2015 at 8:57am PDT
Heart has been posting photos herself on her own Instagram account with just a little less clothing on.
A photo posted by Althea "thi thi" Heart (@luvheraltheaheart) on Oct 8, 2015 at 1:36pm PDT
According to Vh1, the couple initially released the news of the pregnancy and then later retracted their story. But, ultimately they finally decided to reveal that they are expecting. "Thi Thi" and "Zino" are no longer a part of the LHHA cast, but they have been featured on other Vh1 reality shows, and could possibly have the birth of their baby boy turned into a reality special, or at least that's what fans can hope for.
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