Bernie Sanders Defends Hillary Clinton Attacks From Democratic Debate [WATCH VIDEO]

Despite the five podiums on stage at Tuesday night's Democratic debate, it was clear that only two contenders were competitively vying for the front-runner position in this unpredictable race for the party nomination. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders traded blows (and praise) in front of a national audience for the first time, though Sanders seemed surprised by some criticism Clinton voiced regarding his more controversial opinions. Clinton was steadfast in her denunciation of many of Sanders's policies and past votes, and was able to galvanize the audience in disapproval.

As The New York Times reports, Clinton first took issue with Sanders's voting record on gun control, positing that he was inconsistent and beholden to his constituency on this important electoral issue. Regarding the many mass shootings that have occurred as of late, Clinton said, "I think that we have to look at the fact that we lose 90 people a day from gun violence. This has gone on too long, and it's time the entire country stood up against the N.R.A."

Senator Sanders voted against holding gun manufacturers and dealers responsible for civilian deaths inflicted by their weapons, according to Slate. This bill was "large and complicated" in Sanders's view, who says his notion of gun control has been shaped by his representation of a largely rural state where hunting and marksmanship are coveted pastimes. However, Clinton did not feel the same way. Voting in favor the bill, Clinton said, "I was in the Senate at the same time, it wasn't that complicated to me. It was pretty straightforward."

The debate provided a sharp contrast to the recent Republican standoffs, where personal attacks and even name-calling have proved effective tactics. Though it was clear that each candidate wanted to stand out in front of the nation, the conversation was largely policy-based, with candidate remaining respectful and refined throughout the evening. Despite a strong performance from Clinton, the debate is not expected to change the positions of many of Sanders' most tenacious followers and the race will likely remain competitive in the foreseeable future.

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Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton
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