Watch 5 Seconds of Summer Adorably Struggle with Trivia Game on 'Ellen'

5 Seconds of Summer may have the short time span in their band name, but that doesn't mean the "She's Kinda Hot" band can fully grasp the concept of five seconds. To help bring in its new album Sounds Good Feels Good, 5SOS appeared on Ellen on Friday (Oct. 23) and couldn't quite grasp a rousing game of 5 Second Rule.

The game should have been simple: 5SOS members Michael Clifford, Luke Hemmings and a fan faced off against Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin and another fan. Host Ellen DeGeneres was going to call out a category (three swear words you can say on television; three celebrities who go by a single name) and the teams would have to shout out answers within five seconds and then hit a buzzer.

But, well, things didn't go quite as planned.

First, Hood claimed that Will Smith could go by a single name (I mean, his friends probably do just call him Will), and then the entire band and its super fans couldn't quite figure out when to hit the buzzer.

In 5SOS' defense, the game seemed to be at least a little confusing. And, the resulting chaos that ensued from misunderstood rules helped to make the segment more hilarious than a plain old trivia game would have anyway.

And the best part? All of the fans in the Ellen audience got tickets to the upcoming Sounds Live, Feels Live Tour and a copy of Sounds Good, Feels Good

5 Seconds of Summer's new album Sounds Good Feels Good, led by singles "She's Kinda Hot" and "Hey, Everybody!" is out now.

5 Seconds of Summer
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