Actor Mark Wahlberg visited the The Ellen Show recently where he shared a lot of information about his life. He told DeGeneres and her audience all about his fitness routine, his new film soon to be released, Daddy's Home, with costar Will Ferrell; and he also disclosed what his wife likes him to wear around the house that keeps his marriage exciting and her happy.
Ted star, Mark Wahlberg knows how much hard work, dedication and clean eating goes into having a fit and healthy body. During his Thursday, Oct. 22 appearance on the show he shared with Ellen his daily morning ritual of working out and having a disciplined diet - and it's intense. "I wake up at 3, I go down to the kitchen, I make egg whites, ezekiel bread; almond butter with a little avocado," Wahlberg explained to DeGeneres of his morning ritual. "I work out for about an hour...I have a shake... I make a salad - my food to go for the morning. And then I have turkey burgers and sweet potatoe, and then I go to the golf course at 6 [am] to 8 [am]. Then I rush home to meet my wife after she drops off the kids."
A pretty extensive routine that he does every single morning but, it keeps the actor in great shape to execute various roles in many of his film projects. Movies like Transformers: Age of Extinction, require the actor to remain it tip top shape. Especially since the franchise has ordered four more installments to which Wahlberg has agreed to complete at least one more, according to Contact Music. The site reported how Wahlberg replaced Shia LaBeuof as the leading man in the film back in 2014. Even films that don't require as much action from the father of four, still manages to show off his body like he does in the upcoming film, Daddy's Home.
As reported by Just Jared, Wahlberg "bares his buff" body and shows off his muscles in the movie during a scene where he appears shirtless. In the newly released trailer for the film, he is seen doing something that he's all to familiar with - working out, doing pull ups. Aside from the view of his body in the film, it seems like it could be quite the comical family friendly film based on his description of it during his interview on the daytime talk show.
Wahlberg explained during his interview with DeGeneres that the film is set to be released in December, around Christmas time, and he stars in the film with actor Will Ferrell. "[Ferrell's character] is now married to my ex-wife and he's the stepfather to my kids," Wahlberg explained of the upcoming film. He explained how his character doesn't respond well to the new man in his kids' lives. "When I find out that she's remarried I come home to basically win her and the family back, and he and I basically go head to head," Walhberg explained.
His character in the film may be experiencing family issues but, his real life family seems to be successfully moving in the right direction, He and wife, Rhea Durham, are quite happy in their marriage and according to Wahlberg, the secret is to simply "spend quality time together," as he relayed in an Us Magazine interview. But, playing out a little fantasy, where Wahlberg poses as a handy man, doesn't seem to hurt in his marriage either.
The former Calvin Klein underwear model told DeGeneres that when it comes to keeping his wife happy, he does a little something extra. "She just wants me fixing things," Wahlberg said about keeping his wife happy. "[I] wear a wife beater around the house and walk around with a hammer or a screwdriver." He often plays the role of the handy man who pretends he's going to fix the door but, never really fixes anything. But the outfit definitely makes his wife happy.
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