George Strait wins awards and ladies' social media attention.
The big night came and LL Cool J and Chris O'Donnell announced that the winner was ... George Strait.
Luke's smile didn't break (at least while on camera) and thus far, he has made no public statements about the loss. However, some are blaming him for a snarky tweet posted by his merchandising manager, Hunter Jobes. The tweet said, "It’s called Entertainer of the year not how's your career .... Unreal Acm's! Not an entertainer." (Both the tweet and Jobes' Twitter have since been deleted.)
Some country music fans agreed while others jumped on Luke like he was the one who said it. Comments from around the web have been less than complimentary towards both artists (depending on which one the poster likes better). In the end, the name calling and derogatory remarks from fans don't do any good or change a single thing. They just make all of use who love country music look like sore losers and/or jerk winners.
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