Here's a tip: if you're considering wearing blackface for a Halloween costume or something like that, just don't do it. The act is incredibly offensive and racist, no matter what your intentions could possibly be. Unfortunately for country music star Jason Aldean, nobody shared this advice with him and now a photo of him dressed as rapper Lil Wayne in blackface for 2015's Halloween festivities. We wonder what Aldean's Tidal partners like Jay Z and, of course, Lil Wayne think of this.
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Nashville Gab broke this news, with a photo of Aldean and some friends celebrating the holiday. We can clearly see that Aldean is wearing blackface in order to make it obvious that he's portraying an African-American person. You can check out this photo right here.
It probably goes without saying, but the fact that there is a stereotype of racism in the south and in country music doesn't really help the situation. Even with that thought out of our heads, this isn't smart on Aldean's part. In fact, to make matters even worse, when asked to comment on the photo of Aldean in blackface, his representative didn't really explain anything, expect to name the subject of his costume.
The country singer "dressed as rapper Lil Wayne" for Halloween, according to The Guardian.
As UPROXX points out, Aldean didn't really seem like the kind of artist to make this mistake, especially because of his professional relationships with Wayne through Tidal.
Even though we've come a long way from blackface's origins, it is, for some strange reason, still happening. Aldean certainly isn't helping the situation, considering he's somewhat of a role model to his fans, so we'll have to see if and how he responds to the current scandal.
Check out Jason Aldean's "Gonna Know We Were Here" music video:
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