President Barack Obama Says He Is Not Lead Singer of Korn: Jonathan Davis Agrees

During a recent Medal Of Honor ceremony taking place in the White House on Thursday (November 12) honoring Florent Groberg, U.S. President Barack Obama confirmed his identity to attendees by saying that he is not the lead singer of Korn. The POTUS jokingly referencing an earlier incident where, during the early stages of Groberg's recovery, the heavy metal band's frontman Jonathan Davis actually visited the award recipient in the hospital, who had later been unsure that the meet ever took place.

According to Rolling Stone, the award was presented to Florent Groberg, for tackling a suicide bomber during his service in Afghanistan in August 2012, which saved the lives of many. His leg had been severely injured from the blast and took three years and 33 surgeries to mend the damage.

Now, after the brave officer is all healed up and was receiving his award, Obama poked fun at the incident where Groberg could not recall whether he actually met the Korn singer or not. "He woke up in a hospital bed in a little bit of a haze. He wasn't sure, but he thought he was in Germany and someone was at his bedside talking to him. And he thought it was the lead singer from the heavy metal band Korn," the President said. "Flo thought, 'What's going on? Am I hallucinating?' But he wasn't. It was all real. And so today, Flo, I want to assure you, you are not hallucinating. You are actually in the White House. Those cameras are on. I am not the lead singer from Korn. We are here to award you our nation's highest military distinction."

Last year, the Korn singer called Obama an "illuminati puppet," shunning his political agenda, but after being mentioned by the President during the speech, Davis pushed politics aside and told Rolling Stone that it's "really cool" to have been brought up during such a noble event honoring the best of our military. "I couldn't believe it," he said. "It's really cool. The President of the United States gave me props for being there for a Medal of Honor recipient. Groberg went through hell."


A video posted by Jonathan Davis Official (@jdevil33) on Nov 12, 2015 at 1:09pm PST

Korn, Jonathan Davis, President Barack Obama
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