"Hello" singer Adele put her pranking skills to the test alongside BBC host Graham Norton as part of Friday's anticipated Adele at the BBC special, where the wildly successful artist disguised herself and hung around a group of Adele impersonators who were completely unaware of the artist's presence.
The 25-year-old singer gussied up in a fake chin, nose and even distorted her voice and usual speaking patterns in order to sound less like the "Chasing Pavements" singer and more like a nanny, which she renamed herself as "Jenny." Jenny the nanny made her way backstage to spend some time with the "other" Adele impersonators, pretending to be nervous to perform and showing illness. In the midst of the back stage gag, Adele brought attention to and jeered at the fact it took her close to five years to put out her latest album, the follow-up to 2011's 21.
When one impersonator detailed her excitement for 25, the real Adele said "She's taking her time," before explaining she'd say that to the singer's face in the video above. She also tried finding common ground with her impersonators, detailing that her "business" has been extremely slow and that the Adele demand is decreasing.
The hoax came to a pretty abrupt end once Jenny the nanny took the stage for the audition portion of the night, tackling "Make You Feel My Love." After belting out a few powerful notes, the entire room became bluntly aware that Jenny was not an impersonator or even a nanny but that she was, in fact, Adele. One by one, each "Adele" realized the star was in front of them, and they started singing along and staring up at the stage in awe, even though it took one impersonator quite some time to jump on the band wagon.
As Buzzfeed notes, the hi-jink was recorded a few weeks back but all impersonators involved vowed silence until the special officially aired. As the filming wrapped up, the "Someone Like You" singer returned to the group of impressionists for further conversations and to belt a few tunes with them.
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