'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Spoilers in Promo Poster, Jon Snow Alive or Dead in New Episodes?

The sixth season of HBO's biggest series, Game of Thrones will premiere with new episodes in April of 2016, according to a new promotional teaser poster released by the network just a few days before Thanksgiving. Clearly, this is news we're all thankful for, but does this new poster, which only shows one main character, provide spoilers for the show? The 2015 season finale left us all in a lurch when Kit Harington's character Jon Snow's fate was left up in the air. Is he alive or dead in the new season? This poster might have some answers.

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Despite all of the fan theories and spoilers coming out of George R.R. Martin's iconic fantasy book series, fans of the HBO show were shocked when Snow seemingly died at the hands of his own men. Many weren't ready to accept this death, and though we've heard plenty of "he's dead" confirmations from those involved in the show, it looks like he could be alive in season six.

Just take a look at this new poster, featuring Snow and only Snow (via Vulture / Slash Film):

We know that this teaser poster doesn't explain everything in one image, but it certainly has us thinking that Harington will star in the new season as he's done for the previous five.

Meanwhile, actor Ian McShane, who had recently joined the cast for a one-off episode, shared some details about his character that have us thinking Snow is alive.

"I'll give you one hint. I am responsible for bringing somebody back that you think you're never going to see again. I'll leave it at that," he explained in an interview with Pop Goes the News.

This definitely sounds like he brings Jon Snow back from the dead, but we'll have to wait until April to truly understand.

HBO, Game of Thrones
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