The Republican establishment was incredulous to the longevity of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. However, as he continues to lead in the polls, the large financial backers of Jeb Bush, John Kasich, etc. are beginning to grow increasingly concerned about his dominance. Ever since his comments regarding illegal immigrants in his campaign kickoff speech, Trump has lead the Republican field.
Throughout his campaign, he has made no apology for his plans to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, track Muslim citizens through an international database, and build a giant wall on our border with Mexico (that the Mexican government will pay for). These views have only increased Trump's popularity, and made him more attractive to angry Republican voters.
These voters come out in droves for the Presidential primaries, and often influence the tenor of campaigns for the Republican nomination.
Further, the voters are also largely more conservative and religious than the general electorate, and respond well to boisterous political rhetoric. Thus, John Kasich and Jeb Bush's appeals to the "moderates" of the Republican base in trying to dethrone Trump have been largely unsuccessful.
The general attacks from these two camps concern Trump's ability to govern once elected. However, Trump's "outsider" status has only increased his appeal among primary voters, and set him apart from the competition. In order to knock Trump out of the top seed, the Republican establishment must call to question the legitimacy of his fervor over immigration.
Speaking about Mitt Romney's immigration policies in 2012, "He had a crazy policy of self deportation which was maniacal," Trump says. "It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote," Trump notes. "He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country."
Moreover, Trump is employing illegal immigrants, through a third party, in the construction of his new hotel in Washington, D.C. If the Republicans want to expose the hypocrisies and inadequacies of a Trump campaign, they must call him out over his inconsistencies on immigration and explain why their plan (a path to citizenship in the case of Bush and Rubio) is preferable.
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