The Weeknd Releases His Own PAX Labs Vaporizer for Madness Fall Tour

The music industry is not what it used to be. Although certain cases (Adele, Macklemore, etc.) have bucked the trend, record sales are lower than ever and musicians are hard-pressed to find ways to make money in this business. Thus, many prominent acts have gotten extremely creative with their merchandising as a way to commoditize their success. Wealthy fans will pay exorbitant amounts for luxury items endorsed by their favorite musicians, spurring a market of $600 jackets and $120 white T shirts. However, not every creative piece of merchandise is entirely overpriced. One can purchase Beyonce nail art decals and even a phone call from Riff Raff to your mother for a very reasonable price. Adding to the cannon of creative, comical, and affordable merchandise is The Weeknd, who has released his own portable vaporizer in collaboration with PAX Labs.

One can by The Madness Fall Tour Limited Edition PAX vaporizer for under $250 with free shipping. According to Pitchfork, the vaporizer has, "a special matte black finish, a special yellow LED in its status indicator, the XO logo silk-screened on the front, and a chip inside that plays a snippet of "The Hills" whenever it's activated."

According to the article, the PAX portable vaporizers have earned a reputation for being luxurious and aesthetically pleasing. Pitchfork writes, "...the two PAX models so far have been widely praised, even outside of stoner circles, as the ne plus ultra of portable vaporizers for their impeccable design, satisfyingly solid-feeling construction, and high-quality performance." This is in keeping with The Weeknd's brand of splendor and serenity. Further, it is an interesting addition to the myriad extravagant merchandising options available from many of the most creative artists out there. While this may not match some of the promotional stunts of, say, The Flaming Lips, it is certainly a welcome product in the homes of many Weeknd fans and vaporizer aficionados .

The Weeknd, Beyonce, Riff Raff, Adele, Macklemore
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