Deadmau5 Sneaks Out of Hospital, Hops Plane to Play Miami Show

Canadian progressive-house producer/DJ Deadmau5, born Joel Zimmerman, was hospitalized Thursday due to a case of severely swollen lymph nodes, EDM Sauce reports. But in under a day the artist broke doctor's orders --which, based on the producer's social media accounts included an IV, a sonogram and some other tests, in addition to bedrest -- by sneaking out and hopping on a plane to Miami, arriving just in time to throw down at a Red Bull Music Academy gig held at The Fillmore following the city's annual Art Basel celebration.

Between touring, serving up extra helpings of Twitter beef to the likes of Skrillex among countless others, challenging former child stars like Aaron Carter to video game battles over remix rights, dealing with various lawsuits and live-streaming hours upon hours of himself experimenting with new tracks (often while gaming) on his Twitch channel, it was only a matter of time before the Toronto-based producer wound up in the hospital from exhaustion (or worse). According to his Twitter account, he's back home and doing better.

Just this past week or so Zimmerman was in the headlines for more than his great escape (which, judging by myriad Instagram posts, was indeed pretty great and hopefully well-worth the risk). First, there was some chatter following the producer's candid remarks regarding gun control via Twitter following the tragedies in San Bernardino, California, and Savannah,Georgia. Next, the masses were abuzz about Deadmau5 headlining next week's Tidal relaunch concert at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, which is free to all Tidal members.

Amid all of that, the producer found the time to offer a compliment in the form of constructive criticism as well as stems to Fawks, who dropped a Deamau5 flip this week, Your EDM reports. Notably without proper stems, Fawks rather heroically turned "Imaginary Friends," the ballad that came out of Zimmerman's marathon streaming session back in November, into a bumping drum'n'bass tune. Listen below.

Deadmau5, Tidal
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