Charli XCX is known for being an outspoken feminist, but in a series of tweets she has now attacked BBC3 for promoting a men's rights film over her feminist documentary, The F Word and Me. The film that she claims was promoted over hers aired on BBC3 Monday night (Dec. 14).
The show was just the latest episode of Reggie Yate's Extreme UK and was entitled Men At War. This episode examined a series of men who asserted that their individual and minority rights were compromised in times of greater social justine, i.e. war. A large part of the film centered around him attending a lecture by Roosh V, who is a hotly debated US blogger.
As reported by NME, in a clip included in the film, Roosh V is pictured telling a group of men that "women are no longer trained to submit to a man" in addition to being praised for being "fat, outer-space cyborgs" in addition to the view that "women and gay men are seen as superior to straight men." Once XCX got wind of the documentary she took some serious offensive to the views contained within the film and fired off on Twitter.
I understand that the below is a documentary exploring views of others and i haven't seen the whole thing yet so obviously can't fully form
— CHARLI XCX (@charli_xcx) December 14, 2015
an opinion. but this snippet is terrifying. and also, annoying. because i made a doc for the bbc that was shown on a tuesday at 10.30pm when — CHARLI XCX (@charli_xcx) December 14, 2015
a lot of my audience were unable to watch. this doc seems (from this snippet) to be discussing feminism in an entirely negative light and is
— CHARLI XCX (@charli_xcx) December 14, 2015
The singer's documentary The F Word and Me and examined the way that women are taking charge of their careers in a traditionally male-dominated music industry. An hour long The F Word and Me first aired on BBC3 Nov. 25 and was released on Youtube soon thereafter. The majority of her documentary was filmed during the tour for her most recent album Sucker and offers some startling insight at just how differently she is treated than her male peers.
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