Pitbull, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio Friendships Don't Equal Campaign Endorsements

As many know, Pitbull is a pretty great guy. It's no wonder the Cuban American singer has amassed so many friends in the course of his enormously successful career. Pitbull has become a symbol of positivity for many, and is absolutely beloved around the world. Thus, we're not surprised that Pitbull was able to make friends with Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Jeb Bush served as the Governor of Pitbull's native Florida from 1999 to 2007. Marco Rubio, also a Cuban American born in Miami, has been the junior Senator from Florida since 2011. Although Pitbull retains a strong friendship with the two popular Floridians, he does not equate with congeniality with a political campaign endorsement. In fact, he says when he speaks to the presidential nominees, politics never come up.

The popular rapper/singer told Fox News Latino, "And let me tell you, Jeb Bush speaks Spanish fluently. He can hang out in the neighborhoods of Miami and they go, 'You've got to be kidding me. This guy is a Bush?'"

Pitbull, however, noted that their friendship was not rooted in politics. In fact, the topic doesn't even come up when the public figures meet. He says, "I have a relationship with Jeb Bush and I have a relationship with Marco Rubio, and when we sit down and talk, we don't talk politics. To be able to have these conversations, they're priceless."

Pitbull also went on to explain that his friendship with the popular Florida politicians does not mean that he endorses their presidential campaigns. He said, "[Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are] not looking for endorsements. They like to hang out and talk. And I like to hang out and talk. I like to learn. I like to hear what they got going on and what they're thinking."

Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Pitbull
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