Chris Brown Tweets Anger Over Meek Mill's Probation Decision on Twitter

Chris Brown's issues with the law are well documented. However, that has not stopped the popular singer from voicing his dissatisfaction with a Philadelphia judge's decision to return Meek Mill to jail after being convicted of violating the rules of his parole. Brown has had a troubled past, and wouldn't be considered a legal role model or crusader of justice, but he felt Meek's ruling represented a deeper problem in the fabric of the American justice system. Brown opines that our current system is broken when the police officer who shot Freddy Gray was acquitted, while Mill was sent to jail over attending an awards show. Brown believes this points to a greater racism in American society and governance.

The singer took to Twitter to express his vitriol over the decision. Brown tweeted, "wish the judge could see the influence meek mill can have out of jail more than in it. Y'all wanna lock him up but what about FREDDIE GRAY?" Brown is referencing the case of William Porter who was acquitted of charges in the death of Baltimore resident Freddy Gray while in police custody. However, on December 16th, a mistrial was declared in this case, opening up the possibility of a conviction for Porter.

Brown continued to express his feelings in a series of tweets. He wrote, "The system is set on bullshit," Brown continues. "The DAs and JUDGES get just as high as the next man and f**k people's lives up! I ain't on probation so I can tell y'all kiss my ass! U think the people are gonna keep sitting around and letting this bulls**t ride? Y'all wanna take guns away so y'all can inforce (sic) martial law."

He continued with a concise statement that explained his view of racial bias in the justice system. “Being young black men in America this is what we are brainwashed with. It's not pookie up the block that's killing us. It's the "PLUG"!

Chris Brown, Meek Mill
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