Calvin Harris Trolls Hardwell With Hilarious Christmas Gift to Dillon Francis

2015 has surely been the year of trolling within the EDM world, especially with artists like Dillon Francis, DJ Snake and now Calvin Harris and Hardwell. In a hilarious attempt to prank Hardwell, Harris trolled Hardwell by sending Francis an Christmas gift, with the stipulation that Francis had to document the entire thing on Snapchat, so that there would be video proof of the joke - and yes, there certainly is!

To rewind and find the beginning of 2015's trolling, it was first started when DJ Snake posted Francis's personal phone number on the mainstage at Ultra Music Festival earlier this year. As reported by YourEDM, you can clearly see Francis's picture, his name and phone number on the big screen behind Snake's booth. Francis's phone was immediately blown up and he had to change numbers almost immediately.

In retaliation to the sly move Snake pulled on Francis at Ultra, Francis later got Snake back by taking things a step further and posting nude photos of Snake on the big screen at Lollapalooza in Chicago, IL. Again, YourEDM covered the story, where you can see snapchats between Francis and Snake laughing about the incident (NSFW).

It seems as though Harris was feeling slightly left out and wanted to get in on the fun before the year ended, so he sent Francis a Christmas gift of a Hardwell action figure. As stated earlier, Francis had to open the gift via Snapchat and document the whole thing, and thanks to Francis's face after opening the gift is priceless!

Clearly trolling Hardwell, Francis actually made the best of the humorous gesture and had some fun with the Hardwell action figure. Now that Snake, Francis and Harris are all in the "trolls of 2015," does this mean that Hardwell will join in on the fun to kick off 2016? It's becoming a tradition among all of these artists who are close friends, so it wouldn't surprise fans to see Hardwell pull a fast one when no one is looking.

Dillon Francis, Hardwell, DJ Snake, Calvin Harris, Christmas
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