50 Cent Gets Violent In "I'm The Man" Short Film From 'The Kanan Tape'

50 Cent has released a short film / music video for his song "I'm The Man" taken from his Power-inspired mixtape The Kanan Tape. Directed by Eif Rivera, the video covers all of the main elements one might expect with money, violence and sex at the forefront, but there is a storyline, albeit messy one, in there.

The video starts out with the New York City cityscape as its backdrop with 50 Cent as his crew counting money and plotting some sort of heist. Throughout the day, 50 spends his time having sex with a stripper that is currently dating one of the rapper's co-conspirators. He also walks into a building and after a brief moment where both parties know what is about to happen, shoots two of his other co-conspirators.

He spends plenty of time driving in his Rolls Royce convertible, rapping along to the hazy Sonny Digital-produced track.

At around 5 minutes the video switches from the track to the meat of the story line where the heist takes place. It is a tense couple of minutes as two masked men enter the home of apparently their friends to rob them and then run off into the night. They get the money, which doesn't even seem like much for the risk taken, but alas this is entertainment. It all seems rather crudely put together, but brings 50 back to the realm of acting.

If your workplace environment is pretty strict about videos, we would recommend you err on the side of caution with some bare ass shown a few times, but otherwise enjoy this new video from 50.

50 cent
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