David Bowie Fans Change Austin Street Sign, City Is Ok With It.. Kind Of

David Bowie: being played out

There is some controversy here though. According to Austin360.com, the sign is believed to be a tribute to James Bowie, a Texas icon, who died at the Battle of the Alamo. Many are decrying what they believe to be a defacing of the sign. However the Austin History Center says there are no immediate records to confirm that the road is directly linked to James Bowie.

City officials have acknowledged the change and are going to let it stay, but only for a little while.

"The Austin Transportation Department has been notified that someone got creative with the street sign at Bowie and 5th Streets, changing the sign to read "David Bowie" in memory of the musician and pop-culture icon. We appreciate Austin's reputation as the Live Music Capital of the World and recognize David Bowie for all he did for the music industry and more. To this end, we will leave the sign up until Tuesday, January 19, so our community can enjoy the makeshift memorial a few days longer. At that time we will have to replace it with the real street name sign."

Though the city has stated their intention to change the name back to Bowie Street, a Change.org petition has already started to make the name change permanent. As the petition writers point out, there is already a Willie Nelson Boulevard in Austin, so it would make sense to immortalize Bowie with a street sign in Austin. It will be an uphill battle against diehard Texans who won't want to let go of their roots to have the sign changed permanently, but stay tuned.

David Bowie
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