Steve Harvey Talks to Miss Colombia & Miss Universe; Host Says He Received Death Threats

Steve Harvey invited both Miss Colombia and Miss Universe to his daytime talk show to publicly apologize again for mistakenly announcing the wrong winner during the 2015 pageant. In a two-part special airing on Monday (Jan. 18) and Tuesday (Jan. 19), the ladies discussed the feelings running through their mind when it happened and explained how their lives have changed since that night. The incident affected Harvey as well, revealing his family received death threats after it happened.

In a dual episode event called "Miss Universe: The Truth," Harvey spoke with 26-year-old Pia Alonza Wurtzbach (Miss Universe) and 22-year-old Ariadna Gutiérrez (Miss Colombia) individually. He also opened up the floor to audience members, allowing them to ask questions people around the world have been eager to learn the answer. The questions included, but weren't limited to: "was it a publicity stunt?" and "how did the incident affect you and your family?"

While most of his focus and concern revolved around the two contestants, the 58-year-old comedian admitted his family became a target. It became so bad, he feared for her children to leave the house or step out in public. Harvey was also forced to increase the amount of security around his house, because of it.

"Like I'm going to do that to myself," Harvey said on the show. "My family got death threats, I have people camped outside my house. My kids can't go anywhere. I've had many sleepless nights."

Harvey faced immense backlash after he accidentally crowned first runner-up Gutiérrez (Miss Colombia) as the winner, instead of the real 2015 Miss Universe winner Wurtzbach (Miss Philippines). To make matters worse, when he apologized on Twitter he accidentally spelled the names of their native countries wrong.

Wurtzbach forgave Harvey and wished he wouldn't beat himself up over the incident. She's hoping everyone can move forward from the incident. During the honest one-on-one conversation, Wurtzbach also opened up about her reaction to winning the crown and whether she's spoken to Gutiérrez since the incident.

Part two opened up the floor for Gutiérrez to shed light on what was going through her head after the crown was taken from her and given to someone else. She revealed how she handled the social media aftermath, her family's reaction, and if she's ready to accept Harvey's apology. Gutiérrez was very positive about it, even joking about Harvey really wanting her to win.

"You have to learn how to read cards, because it was on the card!" Gutiérrez told Harvey. "You wanted me to win." Harvey joined in on the joke adding, "Yeah, that's it! I wanted you to win. I'm off the hook now, that's it. I can leave it at that."

Harvey was asked to return as host for the upcoming 2016 Miss Universe pageant.

Steve Harvey
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