To say Meek Mill and 50 Cent have been at odds for several days is an understatement. In the latest development, 50 Cent gives priceless response to Mill's Flint water crisis challenge to him.
Last weekend, Mill and 50 Cent went back and forth on Twitter after the latter caught wind of a track off the 4/4 mixtape titled, "Gave Em' Hope" dissing him. But, the feud hasn't ended there. After Mill opted to use his star power for good by donating 50,000 bottles of water to the community of Flint, Michigan, he suggested that 50 Cent match him after someone on Twitter called the rappers out for being immature while there were people in the world that clearly needed their help.
He posted, "I got 50k to donate to waters ... Let's see if we can have @50cent match me! I'm pretty sure 'flint' supported us! Serious post contact .... Roc nation will purchase for me and ship! Not even just him all entertainers! I ain't got the tine posting memes and sh*t... 'Way too trill for that' @dallaslifestyle it's my dawg hometown too! #FORMLKDAY"
A photo posted by Meek Mill (@meekmill) on Jan 18, 2016 at 10:56am PST
Although Mill attempted to be the mature one in the situation, it clearly didn't go over so well. Shortly after his post, 50 Cent responded with yet another jab at the rapper, insinuating Mill doesn't have the money for 50,000 bottles of water and is relying on his high profile girlfriend Nicki Minaj, a similar tactic that Drake used in his notorious beef versus Mill.
You know you only trying to donate so you can try and use it in court head. You don't have money to give away. When Nikki find out you playing with her money boy,oh boy your in for it. A photo posted by 50 Cent (@50cent) on Jan 18, 2016 at 5:08pm PST
Despite his response, in another comment he mentioned that he indeed planned to donate even going as far as to note to Mill that it was a tax write off before hurling another insult. However, it looks like after feeling the wrath of 50 Cent's propensity for trolling, Mill is now looking to bow out gracefully but it doesn't look like its going to be a viable option for him.
I just landed and I see this, this head must be on some good drugs. We don't start and stop when you feel like it. You started for no reason, get to the gangsta shit you know I like that Head. #FRIGO #SMSAUDIO A photo posted by 50 Cent (@50cent) on Jan 18, 2016 at 11:44pm PST
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