Brand New to Drop New Album in 2016 - Seven Years After 'Daisy'

Ever since alternative rock outfit Brand New offered two singles, "Mene," and "Sealed To Me" to fans over the summer, die-hard listeners have been awaiting the Long Island natives' fifth studio album. After frontman Jesse Lacey broke down on stage and admitted Brand New wouldn't last much longer, the group's label just announced that they would finally release their follow-up (and final?) album to Daisy in 2016 after a seven year stretch.

After obtaining such pivotal information, Brand New fans can let out a sigh of relief, although that's the only update they'll receive for a while. The band's label, Procrastine!, issued a press release detailing the impending 2016 project but failed to mention any details concerning estimated release dates, formats or album titles, Diffuser notes. However, the release did confirm Greater Pyreness and Kevin Devine would both release LPs.

Back in November, news traveled fast that the "Last Chance to Lose Your Keys" musicians had reunited in the studio to craft their seventh studio album following the likes of their 2001 debut, Your Favorite Weapon, as well as Deja Entendu, Fight Off Your Demons, The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me and most recently, 2011's Daisy.

Earlier in the week, the group announced they'd soon kick off a co-headlining tour on June 28 in Utah with Modest Mouse, who recently released their seventh studio album, Strangers to Ourselves. The two rock giants will be the only performing acts on the tour and will take turns trading headlining slots. Both Wednesday's pre-sale and today's general sale for Madison Square Garden among others, seemed to sell out faster than one could click the ticket link.

If your hope of obtaining a ticket is sinking like a stone in the sea-don't fret. At some point, tickets may become available again, otherwise, it seems the only way they can snagged is by burning a rather large hole in your pocket through Stubhub.

Brand New, Modest Mouse
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