Kanye West Defends Controversial Taylor Swift Lyric in 'Famous' as She Denies Approval

Kanye West: had made nice

In the new track "Famous," West raps the line "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why, I made that b*tch famous / God d*mn / I made that b*tch famous," and the controversial lyric is now a point of contention between the two superstars.

According to West, he asked for Swift's permission to use her name in the song and she "got the joke" and gave her approval. But, in a statement to The New York Times pop critic Jon Caramanica, Swift's camp firmly denies that claim. They say Swift warned West against including "Famous," which is full of derogatory statements against women, on the album.

"Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single 'Famous' on her Twitter account. She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message. Taylor was never made aware of the actual lyric, 'I made that b*tch famous,'" the statement says.

Now, in a new Twitter rant (West's favorite way of communicating these days), the emcee says Swift and her team is lying and that she did give her approval.

In Swift's defense, her friends Gigi Hadid, Jamie King and brother Austin Swift have denounced West.

Kanye West, Taylor Swift
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