Tyga, who has been facing various controversies with girlfriend Kylie Jenner, recently posted his photo alongside Tupac's image on Twitter, which wasn't received well by his fans. In the photo, which is captioned "Dad" Tyga is wearing the same blue Duke basketball jersey with Tupac. He also sported a silver necklace as well.
But his fans aren't happy about the post with most of them saying that Tupac will rise from the dead (or come out of hiding) to get him. After receiving such comments from fans, Tyga clarified his intention for the post saying that he's not claiming that the legendary rapper is really his father. Rather, he was trying to imply that Tupac has more influence on him than his real father, whom he never met.
“Pac taught me a lot more than my own father. Inspired me, motivated me, listened without ever being there,” Tyga wrote according to VH1.
He also posted letters from his real-life dad, who is in prison for a lifetime sentence. He also posted his response tothe letter.
"This level three sh*t allows me to work on my case and clearly think," said the letter from Tyga's father, Billboard reported. "So as I share with you my remembrance of this 25-year incarceration you better know I've always thought of You praying that one day I would locate you and your mom. Give my grandson a hugg and kiss for me. Stay up, stay focused and stay being you... F*c tha rest. Always Pops" [sic]
The letter is reflective and also talks about his longing to be with the 29-year-old rapper. He even mentions "refining himself and discovering [his] spiritual self."
With that, Jenner's longtime beau responded saying, "Life has been my greatest teacher," he writes. "And one day I know if god wants us together he will make it happen. Keep your faith strong."
Although many fans didn't like the idea of the "Switch Lanes" musician calling Tupac his father, his response to his real dad is very inspiring, especially for a man who hasn't met his dad in person.
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