Kurt Vile appears in the new HBO animated series Animals as, well, an animal! The show features anthropomorphic creatures living in New York City and interacting. In episode 8 of season 1, which airs Friday March 25, a group of scavenging rodents happen upon the abode of Vile, who is a squirrel. He shared his "gold nuts" with the group and sings them a very trippy song.
Watch this new clip of the squirrel Kurt Vile performing his song about nuts right here (via HBO):
As Pitchfork points out, Vile isn't the first musician to appear on this new animated show. A$AP Rocky and A$AP Ferg appeared as rapping cats, for instance!
In case you're trying to see Kurt Vile not in animated squirrel form, check out a list of his 2016 tour dates right here:
03-31 Buffalo, NY - Asbury Hall
04-01 Cleveland Heights, OH - Grog Shop
04-02 Columbus, OH - Newport Music Hall
04-03 Bloomington, IN - The Bluebird
04-05 Milwaukee, WI - Pabst Theater
04-06 Champaign, IL - The Accord
04-06-10 Iowa City, IA - Mission Creek Festival
04-08 Lawrence, KS - The Granada
04-09 Omaha, NE - The Waiting Room
04-11 Columbia, MO - The Blue Note
04-12 Tulsa, OK - Cain's Ballroom
04-14 Houston, TX - House of Blues
04-15 Austin, TX - Stubb's Waller Creek Amphitheatre
04-16 Dallas, TX - Granada Theater
04-17 New Orleans, LA - Republic New Orleans
05-20-22 Gulf Shores, AL - Hangout Festival
05-28 Burnaby, British Columbia - Deer Lake Park
06-09-12 Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo Festival
06-28 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso Grote Zaal
06-30 Berlin, Germany - Columbia Theater
07-01 Gdynia, Poland - Open'er Festival
07-04 Poggio Renatico, Italy - Piazza Castello
07-05 Sestri Levante, Italy - Mojotic Festival
07-07 Paris, France - Philharmonie de Paris
07-09 Liege, Belgium - Les Ardentes
07-10 Bruges, Belgium - Minnewarerpark
07-12 Lugano, Switzerland - Longlake Festival
07-15 Southwold, England - Henham Park
07-16 Coimbra, Portugal - Parque das Nações
07-22 Camden, NJ - XPoNential Music Festival
07-22-24 Oro Medonte, Ontario - WayHome Music & Arts
07-24 New York, NY - Panorama Festival
07-25 Norfolk, VA - The NorVA
07-27 Indianapolis, IN - Old National Centre
07-28 Chicago, IL - Lollapalooza
07-29-31 Montreal, Quebec - Osheaga Music & Arts Festival
08-07 Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Bowl
08-12-13 Berkeley, CA - Greek Theatre at U.C. Berkeley
08-17 Morrison, CO - Red Rocks Amphitheatre ^
08-19 Madison, WI - Breese Stevens Field
08-20 Minneapolis, MN - Historic Hall's Island
08-21 Maquoketa, IA - Codfish Hollow Barn
08-27 Lancaster, PA - Chameleon Club
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