Iggy Azalea Talks Haters, Racial Criticism and New Album 'Digital Distortion' on 'GMA'

To say Iggy Azalea had a rough 2015 would be a bit of an understatement. Despite releasing very little new music, the "Fancy" rapper was barraged with criticism about her race, blend of pop and rap and her cancelled world tour. But now, she's back with a new single "Team" ahead of her sophomore album Digital Distortion. Now, in a new interview with Good Morning America, Azalea opened up about all of her haters (hi, Azealia Banks!) and how she is moving on.

Azalea appeared on GMA Wednesday (March 23) to talk about all of her controversies. She wasn't one to back down, saying that even though she has plenty of detractors, she has to focus on the positives and those in the industry who love her in order to move on with life.

"It's tough sometimes but you got to think about the people who support you as well. I grew up loving Missy Elliot, loving Lil' Kim or Trina, and so I'm lucky I have those women I really idolized support me. So, I get a little bit of comfort in that, knowing the people I look up to appreciate what I'm doing. So that helps," she revealed.

Azalea also didn't back down totally from the big criticism that she gets: rapping with an American accent despite coming from Australia. That, mixed with being white, has made Azalea a prime target for appropriation accusations. But, she just shrugged it all off.

"No matter what you do if you're in the public eye, you get criticized and picked apart," she said. "For me, that's the thing that people like to pick at for me. I just have to deal with it."

As for how she is going to follow up all of that criticism with her new album Digital Distortion? Azalea spun the turmoil of the past year and walking away from a massive tour to giving her the "space" to create solid new music to avoid the much-dreaded "sophomore slump."

"Having a rough year last year and taking a step away, it gave me the ability to have the space to quietly create my little masterpiece," she said. "I think it gave me something really strong."

Azalea's new album Digital Distortion is due for release later this year. She led the album with the single "Team," which was released last week.

Iggy Azalea
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