Andra Day Graces Essence June Cover & 40 Million Coca-Cola Cups [PHOTO]

Andra Day is in the beginning stages of having the best Summer ever! The "Rise Up" beauty has not only partnered with McDonald's and Coca-Cola to be featured on 40 million of their cups, for a huge purpose; but she is also the June feature story and cover model for the Essence June Issue.

Day is probably most remembered from her holiday commercial where she projects her vocal range to the world, accompanied by the great musical legend, Stevie Wonder, and also her 2015 debut album, Cheers to the Fall. But, that was only the beginning for the 31-year-old who is proving that the best is yet to come.

Day announced on her Facebook page that she has "partnered with Coca-Cola and McDonald's to send some of you beautiful people to Essence Festival." The promotion is apart of the "Share A Cup And A Song" lyrics program, as reported by ABC, and will feature Day's image on 40 million cups, at various participating McDonald's, along with lyrics from her hit single, "Rise Up."

Once customers purchase a Coca-Cola product at McDonald's, you will "qualify through the 'I'll Rise 365 Sweepstakes with Coca-Cola Rise Up Essence Fest Program' for a chance to see Day perform at the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans in June," according to ABC. Day, who is thrilled about the partnership, hopes that the initiative encourages people to persevere, and be inspired. The cups will be available on May 2.

In addition to gracing the Essence Music Festival stage in June, Day's sultry image will also be front and center on the cover of the Essence June vacation issue, as posted on their Instagram.

Inside the issue, available May 13, Day is said to speak about her personal fashion style and her greatest musical inspirations.

Andra Day
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