Musicians Die 25 Years Younger Than Average Person, New Study Confirms

Think of your favorite deceased musician. How old was he or she when they died? Well, according to a new Australian study of nearly 13,000 rock and pop stars that have passed away between 1950 and 2014, musicians die 25 years younger than the average person.

Dianna Kenny, a professor of psychology, administered the study on these musicians. Over 90% of the subjects were male.

"The results of this study are disturbing," the professor explained in her study. "Across the seven decades studied, popular musicians' lifespans were up to 25 years shorter than the comparable US population. This is clear evidence that all is not well in pop music land."

Kenny also spoke with ABC News about this new study, according to Consequence of Sound.

"The music scene celebrates drugs and promiscuity and valorization of early death, so young musicians who are depressed and suicidal are attracted to these types of environments," she said. "They are meeting fellow travelers where they amplify each others suicide, depression, or substance abuse and that gets into an-out-of-control spiral leading to early death."

Clearly, we all know of the "27 Club," consisting of popular musicians that died at the age of 27 due to drugs, alcohol and other avoidable reasons. This concept certainly comes to mind when thinking of this new study, but with an artist like Prince passing away at the age of 57, even this is young compared to the average.

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