Green Day Explains Why New Album 'Revolution Radio' Contains No Songs About Donald Trump

Green Day has explained why their new album, Revolution Radio, contains no songs about controversial candidate Donald Trump. The album is full of political content, but front man Billie Joe Armstrong said that he can’t approach Trump as a topic in his music.

Armstrong said in an interview with Q, “There are no songs about Donald Trump on there [‘Revolution Radio’]. I made sure of that, because he inspires me to do nothing. Trump has dragged politics into the gutter, like a WWE wrestling match.”

Armstrong further said that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has “the most progressive platform a Presidential candidate has ever had up to this point.”

Armstrong does, however, frequently change the lyrics to “Holiday” during performances in order to attack Trump and refers to him as a “white supremacist.”

This is not the first time that Armstrong has spoken out against Trump, and likened him to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in an interview with Kerrang.

“The worst problem I see about Trump is who is followers are,” Armstrong said to the magazine. “I actually feel bad for them, because they’re poor, working-class people who can’t get a leg up. They’re p*ssed off and he’s preyed on their anger. He just said, ‘You have no options and I’m the only one, and I’m going to take care of it myself.’ I mean, that’s f**king Hitler, man!”

He continued with, “I don’t even know how else to explain it. I wish I were over-exaggerating. And sometimes maybe I do over-exaggerate with Bush, but with Trump, I just can’t wait until he’s gone.”

The band also confirmed to NME that production on the movie adaptation of their American Idiot album has been given the “green light” by HBO and is underway.

Green Day, Donald Trump
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