Beloved trance trio Jono Grant, Paavo Silkamäki and Tony McGuinness, better known as Above & Beyond have released their cheekily titled new single "Balearic Balls." The song is a teaser of what is to come on the group's upcoming annual label compilation that enters its 13th year, Anjunabeats Vol. 13.
"Baleairic Balls" is an anthemic single that has been highly sought after in their sets for the past several months and will remain a highlight entering festival season over the summer. The single follows the pattern set forth with other singles that they release in between albums. It starts with chugging bass and gives way to soaring synths in the drop, though it is a definite change of pace from the gritty electro rhythms that have underpinned some of their recent between album tracks such as "Formula Rossa" and "A.I." Buy the song here.
"Balearic Balls" is a part of the Anjunabeats Vol. 13 compilation that will feature songs from the likes of Cubicolor, ilan Bluestone, Andrew Bayer, Grum, Jason Ross and Jaytech. Find the full tracklist below and pre-order the compilation here. It will be released on Feb. 10.
1. Cubicolor - Dead End Thrills (Extended Mix)
2. Luttrell - Need You
3. Above & Beyond feat. Zoë Johnston - Save Me (Thomas Schwartz & Fausto Fanizza Remix)
4. Spencer Brown - Vernal
5. Oliver Smith - Shadows
6. Nick Sember - Sahara
7. Judah Zero-Day
8. Jaytech - Inspire
9. Grum - Shout
10. Soundprank - Don’t Take It Away
11. ilan Bluestone - Elevate
12. Fatum vs. Judah - Love On A Real Train (Tangerine Dream Cover)
13. Oliver Smith - Endorphin
14. Wrechiski - Brief Encounter
15. ilan Bluestone - Malacosta
16. Kyau & Albert - Millions
17. Alpha 9 & Koven - Only Good Mistake
18. Andrew Bayer - From The Past
1. Andrew Bayer & ilan Bluestone Destiny
2. Above & Beyond feat. Zoë Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel & Dresden Remix) [Above & Beyond Respray]
3. Oliver Smith - On The Moon
4. Sunny Lax & Aneym - Everything’s A Lie
5. Luminary - Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger Update)
6. Above & Beyond - 1001
7. Genix - Olympus
8. Above & Beyond & Justine Suissa - Alright Now (Above & Beyond Club Mix)
9. Myon feat. Alissa Feudo - Omen In The Rain (Myon Club Mix)
10. Above & Beyond - Balearic Balls
11. Above & Beyond feat. Alex Vargas - Sink The Lighthouse (Maor Levi Remix)
12. Seven Lions & Jason Ross feat. Paul Meany - Higher Love
13. Jason Ross - Valor
14. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - On A Good Day (ilan Bluestone Remix)
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