"Marvel's Spider-Man" is off to a great start with the "Horizon High" two-part premiere, showing the young Peter Parker getting a hang of his new life as the titular web-slinger. The follow-up episode, however, sets the proper expectation for the series' direction.
One of the good things that "Spider-Man" got was the fact that it did not start on his origin, but rather a couple of weeks after getting his superpowers. Most movies and television series feature the webhead's beginnings, along with the obligatory Uncle Ben death sequence in the process. This series, seemingly taking a cue from "Spider-Man: Homecoming," opt to start at a time when Peter is already donning a costume, albeit more casual-looking.
The series also has a clever way of including Spidey's beloved uncle into the series. As pointed out by IGN, "Spider-Man" uses flashbacks as a way to flesh out the relationship that Peter had with Uncle Ben and other characters like his good friend Harry Osborn.
Aside from his spider abilities, science also plays a big part of Spider-Man's arsenal. Playing with the idea Spider-Man was depicted in the comics with an affinity for science, the series not only turns Spidey into a quick-tongued superhero but a smart one as well.
As for villains, most of the web-slinger's rogue gallery will be present. Vulture and Scorpion gave Spidey a run for his money on the "Spider-Man" to-parter, while other meanies are expected to appear in later episodes. Norman Osborne, on the other hand, has appeared on the following episode, though Green Goblin has not been revealed yet.
"Osborn Academy," the third of the 12-episode season, shows audiences what is to come for this series. According to Screen Rant, it gives Spidey another set of challenges, namely the Jackal and a couple of students at "Osborn Academy." It also shows how relationships and interactions work for Spider-Man, as it deals with consequences of his actions either as Peter or his superhero counterpart. With the introduction of the Jackal, which has a connection to Ben Reilly, Spider-Man's clone, it is unsure if the "Clone Saga" would be part of the series.
In the comics, the "Clone Saga" refers to the story arc where Peter discovers that several clones of him were made, including Reilly, who donned the Scarlet Spider, and Kaine Parker.
"Marvel's Spider-Man" can be seen on Disney XD.
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