Three months after Freeform aired the series finale of its biggest series, “Pretty Little Liars,” it got a pilot order for a sequel. To be titled “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists,” the spinoff will star Sasha Pieterse and Janel Parrish. They will reprise their roles from the mother series.
“Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” is based on the book series “The Perfectionists” written by “Pretty Little Liars” author Sara Shepard. It is set in the town of Beacon Heights where everything seems perfect but nothing in the town is as it appears to be. The stress of seeking perfection by its overachieving residents leads to Beacon Heights’ first murder.
In the original series, Pieterse played Alison DiLaurentis, whose mysterious disappearance rocked the town of Rosewood. Parrish played Mona Vanderwaal, who was later unmasked as the mysterious tormentor “A” as the season 2 finale of “Pretty Little Liars.”
Writer/producer I. Marlene King wrote the pilot for the “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” series premiere according to Deadline. She will also serve as executive producer with Leslie Morgenstein and Gina Girolamo.
King said that she is beyond excited to continue her collaboration with Sara Shepard and Freeform among others. “I can’t wait to introduce our fans – and Sasha and Janel – to a new world of thrills and chills in Beacon Heights,” she added.
Freeform’s EVP for programming and development, Karry Burke, said that “Pretty Little Liars” was a cultural phenomenon that it is no wonder that fans would want more. She added that Beacon Heights of “Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” will hold just as many secrets and lies as Rosewood did reports ABC News.
“Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists” is not the first series to spun off from “Pretty Little Liars.” Freeform, then known as ABC Family, aired “Ravenswood” in 2013. The original spin-off of the widely successful “Pretty Little Liars” ran for only one season.
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