Kit Harington Reveals 'Game Of Thrones' Season 8 Is 'Bigger Than It's Even Been'

Kit Harington is in awe over Game of Thrones Season 8. The actor, who plays Jon Snow, said that the final season in the HBO drama series is so big it is going to blow people's minds.

The world of Game of Thrones is enormous. Over the years since the show premiered in 2011, it introduced various characters season by season. Each season surpassed the other with its action sequences, storyline, and dramatic plot twist. However, chances are Season 8 is going to be even more massive. Rightfully so, since it is the final season of the series.

Recently, Harington confirmed that Season 8 is unlike its predecessors. Although he did not provide details, the actor vouched that fans are in for a bigger treat. They will be in awe at how the show ends.

"It's a lot of — it's just bigger than it's ever been!" Harington said in his interview with Time.

In the same interview, Harington also looked back at his initial reaction at having to finally say goodbye to his character after six years. He admitted that the momentary disbelief is gone, replaced by a feeling of acceptance. He said that the reality that Game of Thrones is ending has finally sunk in.

"It is sinking in, it's just quite emotional. I don't know how I'm going to feel sometime next year when I've finished. It's quite a sudden shift, I guess, but it feels like the right time," Harington added.

The actor also revealed that he will be in Belfast next week to film Game of Thrones Season 8. Harington's interview did not contain any particular spoilers for the show, especially where it concerns the battle over the Iron Throne. Who will take over as ruler of Kings Landing? With the Season 7 revelation that Jon Snow is actually Aegon Targaryen and the rightful heir, will he compete over the throne with his aunt Daenerys? Fans would know for sure until the show returns, with rumors circulating that it airs in 2019.

Harington has been mum on details about his character's fate in Game of Thrones Season 8. Regardless, before the actor returns for his final portrayal of Jon Snow, fans can catch him from Dec.18 to 20 in HBO in his latest series, Gunpowder. Harington produces the series, where he plays his real-life ancestor Robert Catesby, a member of the rebel group who plotted to blow Parliament in 1605 Britain.

Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones Season 8, Kit harington, Jon Snow
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