UKIP leader Henry Bolton's girlfriend, Jo Marney, was recently criticized after she called Meghan Markle a "dumb little commoner."
The 25-year-old model also said that Markle will be "tainting" the royal family because she is African-American.
Jo Marney's Text Messages
Marney's text messages to her male friend were released online on Sunday. In their conversation, the unnamed male friend accused Marney of being a "racist" because she said that "negro" men do not interest her.
The series of exchanges went as far as the model calling Prince Harry's fiancée a "scrubber" and someone "obsessed with race."
Issues Apology
Following the incident, Marney was suspended from UKIP. She also released an apology and said that her texts were taken out of context.
"I apologize unreservedly for the shocking language I used. The opinions I expressed were deliberately exaggerated in order to make a point and have, to an extent, been taken out of context. Yet I fully recognize the offense they have caused," said Marney.
Henry Bolton Jo Marney Split
Marney's boyfriend, UKIP leader Bolton, was expected to resign from his position following the major controversy. However, the 52-year-old said that he will stay in office for "the good of the party." He also said that his relationship with Marney has already ended.
"The romantic element of the relationship is over, I'm afraid, as of last night," said Bolton.
Even though Bolton and Marney have decided to call it quits, the leader said that he does not think that the recent text messages reflected his ex-girlfriend's core beliefs. He added that he will stand by Marney and her family as the model tries to put her life back together.
Ann Widdecombe Slams Meghan Markle
Markle has not yet released a statement regarding Marney's racist remarks. However, this is not the first time that a known personality said something negative about her.
Former Conservative MP Minister, Ann Widdecombe, dubbed the former actress as "trouble." She also said that Markle's background and status made her feel uneasy.
UKIP Leader Leaves His Wife, Kids
Meanwhile, Bolton, who has just been elected as the leader of UKIP three months ago, was also criticized for leaving his wife, Tatiana Smurova. It has been reported that Bolton decided to get into a relationship with Marney just before the holidays. However, Bolton and Smurova are not yet legally separated or divorced.
"We're not legally separated or anything, but my wife has been in Austria since July with our two kids, and that was a move she made by mutual agreement," said Bolton.
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