Man Plans Valentine's Surprise With Tickets To The Red Hot Chilli Pipers

A man flew his girlfriend to Belfast, Northern Ireland, on Saturday, Feb. 10, hoping to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers perform live onstage.

However, it turns out, his $42 tickets, which was suspiciously cheap, was for a concert by a Scottish bagpipers group called The Red Hot Chilli Pipers.

Mistaken Identity

On Twitter, Duncan Robb of Derbyshire, England, revealed his unexpected but hilarious Valentine's date with his girlfriend last weekend. He recounted that he purchased plane tickets and has booked a hotel before he found out that they were actually seeing "the world's best bagpipe band."

"When I clicked on and got tickets in row Q and for £30 each, I thought what a bargain, there must not be many tickets left and snatched them up straight away," he explained. "Also, I saw the date was February 10, so I could make it into a Valentine's Day weekend — kill two birds with one stone."

He added that he actually purchased the tickets as a Christmas gift for his girlfriend but did not discover the mistake up until a few days before the concert. His girlfriend, he explained, was looking for more details about the concert but could not find anything about a performance by the funk rock band in Northern Ireland on the internet. At that point, Robb has already arranged their romantic weekend together.

However, Robb promised that, even if they caught the wrong show, they actually enjoyed the performance.

New Fans

It turns out Robb and his girlfriend were not the only people who thought they were purchasing tickets to see Anthony Kiedis, Flea, Chad Smith, and Josh Klinghoffer. A commenter with the handle @TomDaveChubs said that he too had tickets to the Belfast show but was able to realize his mistake early and instead gave the tickets to a friend who lives in the city. Another woman named Amy Alexander discovered on the day of the event that they had tickets to a concert by the "Pipers" instead of the popular American rock group. Like Robb, Alexander and her husband enjoyed the performance.

For everyone interested to hear the group of bagpipe players, here they are covering Avicii's "Wake Me Up" for BBC Radio 1.

Red Hot Chili Peppers, Valentines Day
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