Guns N' Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine" Now a Children's Book

Who would have imagined that a famous rock song will become a tool of learning for kids? That unusual thought is going to be a reality very soon. The iconic hit "Sweet Child O' Mine" by the heavy metal rock band Guns N' Roses is now a children's book.

As reported by People on May 6, author James Patterson revealed in a press release that, as a longtime fan of the band, he is "thrilled to partner" with GNR to produce their "famed hit song to life" on paper.

Guns N' Roses collaborated with the equally famed New York Times' bestselling author, James Patterson, in turning the lyrics of "Sweet Child O' Mine" into a story-telling picture book meant to entertain kids. The upcoming children's book bears the same title as the song.

Patterson, 73, said in the statement that "Sweet Child O'Mine" is a story that "I know kids will love reading and that parents will love singing along to." The picture book is a celebration of love and music, adding, "and how they bring us together in the sweetest ways."

On the Instagram post of Patterson, he shared earlier: "Let the song that takes you away, bring you together!" You can view below the video teaser of the stunning picture book -

The lyrics "She's got a smile that it seems to me/ Reminds me of childhood memories/ Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky" are converted into a more colorful life with the book "Sweet Child O'Mine." The children's book tells of the adventure of two young girls, Maya and Natalia Rose, who lived their growing years touring with the band.

In real life, Maya and Natalia Rose are cousins, one of which is the daughter of Fernando Lebeis, the manager of Guns N' Roses, and the other is the child of Lebeis' sister. According to the release, Lebeis stated that he and his sister have been lucky to watch both their daughters "grow up while touring with the guys," in reference to the band members. The lives of these two cousins were the inspiration behind GNR's children's book.

Lebeis adds that they have been part of the "Guns family for over 30 years." The manager is delighted with the concept, and for them, coming out with the book is "special and a fun milestone."

Jennifer Zivion created the illustrations for the picture book. The endearing front cover shows a man wearing a blue check shirt and jeans with a guitar over his back, walking alongside a little girl in pink tutus and cowboy hat. They are holding hands while happily strolling through a bright field of spring flowers and roses, the band's symbolic flower.

 Sweet Child O' Mine cover
Sweet Child O' Mine cover as illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin Photo: JENNIFER ZIVOIN

The picture book "Sweet Child O'Mine" of GNR is set to be released in September. It will be available in hardbound copies and e-book formats from major retail stores.

Guns N' Roses, the metal rock group was formed in 1985 that hailed from Los Angeles, Calif. The iconic song "Sweet Child O'Mine" was released in 1988 and is the only Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 song from GNR. It peaked the chart on Sept. 10, 1988, and remained on board for 24 weeks.

Guns N Roses
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