Arcade Fire New Music? Speculations Grow As Fans Receive Cryptic Postcards

Arcade Fire
Andrew Chin/Getty Images

Usually, when a band or a musician teases new music, the way to go is subtly dropping hints on social media or even dropping by some interviews from here and there.

But the Canadian Indie Rock band Arcade Fire has a different way of doing things.

Fans of Arcade Fire stormed to Reddit to share what they thought to be an "exciting" tease for fans.

Cryptic postcards

Redditor Gordon Brown shared what seemed to be a "postcard" he received from his mail.

Brown received an unusual figured eye with a speech bubble containing an "I" in a box with an "unsubscribe" tick box below.

On the other side of the postcard is a notation with a scribbled "We missed you" at the top and what fans speculate is the band's new logo at the lower left.

Fans also pointed out that the "we" was written by frontman Win Butler while the "missed you" was scribbled by the band's multi-instrumentalist Regine Chassagne.

User Chapperdeemus also snapped a photo of the exact eye logo on the postcard on a sticker in one of London's busy streets as someone in Chicago also claimed to have seen the drawing.

Some users have also claimed to have received the postcard in London too.

What could this mean?

Fans in the Reddit thread have different interpretations as to what the postcards and the scattered promotion mean. Others even delve deeper into a "genius but quite out of the box" theory.

User DontGetNEBigIdeas suggested in the same thread since the people who claimed to receive postcards have different notations (riffs) embedded on theirs, would the band have split out the chords of their new single into different recipients?

One fan tried to decipher the notes of the notation they received and uploaded it into Soundcloud, sharing how the new song might sound if it is true.

While some are very thrilled with the news, some fans have remained skeptical if the band is really doing its work.

Arcade Fire has remained mum about the fans' speculations and has not posted on any of their social media accounts to address the rumors.

In 2017, the band dropped their last studio album, "Everything Now," but they have recently performed their new election song, "Generation A," at The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

Arcade Fire also released a 45-minute song, "Memories of the Age of Anxiety," for the meditation app Headspace.

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