Ozzy Osbourne New Album 2022: 'Patient Number 9' Can Cause Trouble For THIS Reason

Ozzy Osbourne
Kevin Winter/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

In a clip from his upcoming Patient Number 9 album, Ozzy Osbourne predicts that a chorus line from "One Of Those Days," his collaboration with Eric Clapton, will "cause trouble."

For one, he revealed that the famed English guitarist already did not like it. Clapton was reportedly already uncomfortable hearing lyrics on that song.

In the most recent issue of Classic Rock, Osbourne goes into great detail about the recording of his follow-up to Ordinary Man and praises Eric Clapton for his "fucking incredible" work on "One Of Those Days," one of the album's standout tracks.

The chorus of the song contains the line, "One of those days that I don't believe in Jesus", a sentiment Ozzy fully expects to "cause shit."

Contrary to popular belief, Osbourne is not personally disparaging Jesus Christ in this statement. "It's not an I Am An Anti-Christ song," he clarifies.

"It's about those days where everything goes f**king wrong, and you're going nuts trying to fix everything up."

The singer acknowledges that when Clapton, then 77, first heard the lyric, he voiced some trepidation, which led Ozzy to think about changing it.

He revealed that they tried to do something the lyrics but none of the alternatives sounded right. He said they attempted to replace with, "I don't believe in Christmas" but that certainly didn't sound right.

He ultimately said that the lyrics "losing faith in Jesus" makes more sense when the world has gone awry.

The musician experienced many of events that led him to lament the state of the world. He has personally experienced a lot of health problems. He has had Parkinson's disease since 2003 and has had many spine operations as a result of a fall he had in 2019.

Ozzy suffered a broken neck in a quad bike accident 16 years ago, and while he made a full recovery, a fall at home three years later worsened the damage, necessitating surgery and causing the Black Sabbath singer a great deal of discomfort.

Because of this, Ozzy stated in an interview with The Sun that seeing him in this state breaks Sharon's heart, but noted that things could be worse.

Ozzy is also fortunate in that a very mild form of Parkinson's, known as Parkins, appears to have developed in him. I don't shake at all, the musician claimed to the publication. His doctor even told him in private that all throughout his practice, Ozzy's Parkinson's is the "mildest ever."

However, his previous spinal injury, which he first sustained in a Quad bike accident and was significantly worsened by a fall three years prior, necessitated many surgeries, the first of which left him in "agony." He was also warned at the time by the physician that he was in risk of remaining paralyzed for the rest of his life, but following his procedures, things magically improved.

Ozzy Osbourne, Eric Clapton
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