Machine Head’s Robb Flynn Was Drunk When He Wrote Their New Album Inspired by THIS Band

Machine Head's Robb Flynn
Mark Metcalfe/Getty Images

Machine Head released their new album titled "Of Kingdom and Crown" a few weeks ago and many fans are wondering the inspiration behind their music. Recently, Robb Flynn discussed how the record came to fruition and it may surprise some of their supporters.

Speaking to Full Metal Jackie's radio show, the lead vocalist said his family's lives changed when the pandemic hit as his children would stay in their rooms most of the time.

For him and his wife to have some alone time together, they would go to the garage every Friday and Saturday to "get hammered" and listen to whatever albums they wanted to play.

One evening, My Chemical Romance's iconic record "The Black Parade" played then his wife told him to do a concept album after breaking down every single lyric and track of the record.

At the time, Flynn said it sounded good but he's skeptical if he could pull it off. He then began writing lyrics and the story continuously went on.

"The more that I pondered where it could go, the more and more it came out," he added. (via Loudwire)

Robb Flynn on 'Of Kingdom and Crown'

When asked about how different stages of life affect his music, Flynn said he's just "drawn to metal" and it resonates with aggressive music.

He noted Hatebreed's "A Call for Blood" and noted that it was a savage song. After the single was released, he saw Jamey Jasta and told him that it warms his soul to hear an angry man.

"It makes sense of the world and it matches an anger that I feel inside of me and helps me cope with it. I'm constantly looking for music that makes me feel that way," he added.

Aside from MCR, the vocalist said the album was also inspired by "Attack on Titan." Since his two children are obsessed with anime, he would watch it with them as a family.

Watching the animated series inspired the concept of the album as it is a "futuristic wasteland with a sky that's always stained crimson red."

Even though the stories from their album were inspired by Japanese anime, Flynn noted that there's also an indication of the American society as it is based on a "typical American story arc" which revolves around a bad guy vs. the good guy.

"Of Kingdom and Crown" is currently available for streaming on major music platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.

Machine Head, My Chemical Romance, Gerard Way, Album, News, Music
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