VMAs 2014: Parents Television Council Disapprove of Beyonce's Performance, Stripper Poles and Butts Despite Toned Down Show

By all accounts, the 2014 MTV VMAs were a tame affair. There was no unplanned twerking, no unhandled wardrobe malfunctions, no out boobies or naked men, no unplanned speech takeovers... kind of nothing. (Really, they were a dull affair.) But, of course, the Parents Television Council is still unhappy with the annual awards show.

Despite warning MTV to tone down the antics, the media watchdog released a statement saying that its unhappy with the VMAs' portrayal of women.

Yes, despite ladies dominating the night with Moonmen and Beyoncé boldly singing in front of a giant illuminated "FEMINIST" sign, the PTC still thought the VMAs were degrading.

"It is perplexing that a performance would include, on the one hand, strong, positive written messages above the stage about honoring and respecting young women and ending gender-based double-standards, while on the other hand the female performers are on stripper poles with backup dancers in flesh-toned bikinis, and with female backup dancers wearing next to nothing while the male performers are mostly clothed," said PTC president Tim Winter in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.

(Psst... it's called sex positivity!)

Despite the PTC's objections to the objectification of women, the council seemed a bit more pleased with this year's event.

"MTV seemed to have toned down the VMA broadcast this year - at least compared to last year's cringe-inducing mess. The MTV broadcast standards team effectively muted out the most explicit profanity, and for that we are grateful," said Winter.

But when Miley Cyrus trades in twerking antics for a heartfelt PSA about homeless youth, it's easy for things to get toned down a few notches.

2014 MTV VMAs, Beyonce, Miley Cyrus
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