"The Idol" is the most hotly-anticipated television show in 2023 because of its rather controversial nature. Starring The Weeknd, Lily-Rose Depp, Jennie Kim, Troye Sivan, Mike Dean, and Moses Summey, the Sam Levinson-produced show is an alternative television event next to "Euphoria."
In anticipation of its Jun. 4, 2023, release, The Weeknd, an executive producer of the show, revealed the release date of the "The Idol" Soundtrack and its upcoming new single!
The Weeknd 'The Idol' Soundtrack, New Single
According to a tweet by The Weeknd, the pre-order for "The Idol" soundtrack comes on Friday, Jun. 2, 2023,
It also comes with a new single, none other than, Madonna and Playboi Carti! The rather surprising involvement of Madonna seemed to be reflective of the show's actual themes.
According to Billboard, the show is an exploration of the music and entertainment's industry connection with celebrity culture, power play, drugs, sex, and even contemporary cult - issues and concepts that Madonna has largely been associated.
The new "The Idol" single, "Popular," will be the second song released on the soundtrack. The first one was with Future and The Weeknd, "Double Fantasy," the lead single of the album that peaked at No. 18 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts.
So far, Madonna, Playboi Carti, and Future were the only announced artists on the upcoming soundtrack other than The Weeknd.
A song between BLACKPINK's Jennie Kim has also been teased to be included in the upcoming release, but it has not yet been confirmed if it would be part of the actual album.
The Weeknd 'The Idol' Reviews
After receiving a five-minute standing ovation at the 76th Cannes Film Festival, Sam Levinson and The Weeknd faced social media backlash and poor reviews after the initial screening.
On Rotten Tomatoes, "The Idol" received a brutal 9% opening score from critics. Mixed reviews from the Cannes screening also came about on social media, likening the episode to pornography.
Lily-Rose Depp, the lead actress in the show, defended her character's bold depiction and naked scenes in the upcoming episodes.
"Jocelyn is a born and bred performer - and I think that extends to every aspect of her life, not just her professional life," she told the press. "The way that she dresses, for example, is her trying to tell you something all the time... or express herself in some kind of way."
"The Idol" airs on HBO on Jun. 4, 2023.
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