The annual Glastonbury Festival 2023 is upon us, and we have listed all the things you cannot bring to the annual music festival.
According to the actual website of Glastonbury Festival, there are several pointers every festivalgoer must keep in mind when packing their bags.
What Not To Bring At The Glastonbury Festival
Excessive Things, Equipment
Per the festival organizers, do not bring more than you actually need for the festival. Keep in mind that you will also be taking home these items and equipment again after the festival. Essentials can also be bought within the premises should the need arises.
Bringing in gazebos are prohibited at the Glastonbury Festival. Per organizers, gazebos "take up valuable tent space" at the field's campsites. Tapes on tent enclosures are also discouraged as it would make it harder for other people to enter theirs.
Knives & Portable Lasers
This one is pretty much self-explanatory. Knives and other harmful equipment like lasers are prohibited on the premises. To avoid the inconvenience of confiscation, better not to bring it.
Anything Made of Glass
For safety purposes, glass or anything made of such material will also be confiscated. Make sure to switch to reusable containers for your perfume or get alternative plastic mirrors instead.
Excess Packaging
If you had purchased something new for you to use in the festival, better to unpack everything in one's house to avoid bringing such unnecessary waste and packages into the festival.
Non-Biodegradable Body Glitter
In an effort to avoid waste, non-biodegradable body glitter is prohibited. Biodegradable ones can be bought onsite.
Disposable Wipes
Both non-biodegradable and biodegradable wipes are prohibited at the Glastonbury festival. "Plant fibre-based biodegradable wipes release greenhouse gases when they decompose, so we would like people to really try to use alternatives. A washcloth and a bar of soap works wonders!" the organizers explained.
Sound System, Drums, and Generators
The festival is already loud, so bringing a sound system and drums is prohibited. Generators are also included on the not to bring list.
Nitrous Oxide
Laughing gas is considered a contraband good according to local laws.
Only guide dogs were allowed.
Sky Lanterns, Kites, and Unauthorized Fireworks
Bringing these items can result in confiscation. Festivalgoers caught using fireworks can be evicted.
Professional Video and Audio Equipment, Drones
Professional tape recorders will not be allowed inside the festival. Drones will also not be included before, during, or after the festival.
Disposable Vapes
Per the festival organizers, this equipment can "pollute the environment and can be hazardous at waste centres."
Check out the official website for more safety guidelines before going to Glastonbury Festival.
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