"Princess and The Frog" is one of the most iconic Disney animated films of the 21st century. With Princess Tiana becoming the first official Black Disney Princess, the 2009 animated feature has become a staple on every Disney Princess movie marathon across the whole country.
With live-action adaptations of animated features becoming a trend nowadays, fans have been fan casting the role of Princess Tiana for so long, ever since Hailey Bailey proved her critics wrong on her controversial casting as Ariel in "The Little Mermaid."
In an episode of the DisInsider Walt's Apartment Podcast on March 2023, it was reported that the "Princess and The Frog" Live Action adaptation is in the early development stages. Despite the long haul to get there, fans have been casting Tiana already.
'Princess and The Frog' Live Action Cast - Princess Tiana
Samara Joy
2023 Grammy Awards Best New Artist Samara Joy were among the few people who had the guts to share their public audition tape on social media. Singing "Almost There," by Anika Noni-Rose from the 2009 film, Joy made sure her New Orleans Jazz sound can be heard through the roof.
Joy is a great contender for the role, given the fact that she was hailed as one the new up-and-coming jazz vocalists in the past year. She won a Grammy for Best New Artist and Best Jazz Vocal Album at the 2023 Grammy Awards.
Ari Lennox
The Dreamville Records queen Ari Lennox also submitted her submission for Princess Tiana for the "Princess and The Frog" Live Action adaptation.
The 32-year-old vocalist was a good fit for the voice of Tiana, but with her slim acting credits, it might be a huge campaign or a long journey to get Lennox to the goal of playing the determined princess.
Coco Jones
If there is a single name that the Internet has been shouting about, it's Coco Jones for the role of Princess Tiana in the "Princess and The Frog" Live Action movie!
The Disney alum has the singing and acting chops for the role; all she needs is that apron and green dress! Her audition video also shows her flair that would add depth to the role if she were cast in it.
Plus, in an interview, Hailey Bailey said that she would either want Coco Jones to play Princess Tiana in the "Princess and The Frog" live-action movie or Destiny Jones.
Who do you think should be cast as Princess Tiana?
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