Rammstein Till Lindemann's Sexual Assault Investigation in Germany Dropped [REPORT]

Rammstein Till Lindemann's Sexual Assault Investigation in Germany Dropped [REPORT]

The sexual assault investigation against Till Lindemann, the lead vocalist of the German band Rammstein, has been dropped by the Berlin state prosecutors due to a lack of evidence and testimony.

The investigation began in June after several women came forward, alleging that the singer drugged their food and/or drinks during pre- and after-show parties and then sexually assaulted them.

Lindemann's lawyer had this to say regarding the decision: "The rapid termination of investigative proceedings by the Berlin state prosecutor's office shows that there is insufficient evidence that our client allegedly committed sexual [offenses]."

Rammstein Embroiled in Sexual Assault Allegations

In addition to women claiming that Lindemann had sexually assaulted them, several also pointed to the band's keyboardist Christian Lorenz, as well as drummer Christoph Schneider. Both have denied all allegations.

In fact, according to reports, Rammstein issued a statement proclaiming their innocence and said that they took the accusations "extremely seriously."

Schneider took to social media to address their fans: "The accusations of the last few weeks have deeply shaken us as a band and me as a person.

"[...] I don't think anything illegal was going on, I've never seen anything like it, nor heard anything like it from any of our crew of 100 people. [...]"

The drummer went on to explain how drinks are always offered to fans sealed, and claim that they are free to leave whenever they feel like it.

"We have the greatest fans in the world and they all deserve to be treated with respect! I'm sorry for anyone who wasn't treated kindly or felt unsafe backstage with us."

Ex-Rammstein Fan Comes Forward

The news of Lindemann being cleared from the sexual assault investigation has devastated a lot of women, especially Selby Lynn, an ex-Rammstein fan from Northern Ireland.

She claimed that Lindemann spiked her drink and "groomed" her for sex during an after-party in Vilnius, Lithuania.

"I'd like to clarify again. Till did NOT touch me. He accepted I did not want to have sex with him. I never claimed he raped me," she wrote on social media after coming forward with her story.

On top of fans canceling the band, there was a petition to prevent Rammstein from continuing on with their tour. It garnered over 75,000 signatures, but the tour continued.

As of this writing, there are no updates on what the next course of action will be for the alleged victims of Lindemann.

Rammstein, Sexual assault
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