What is Billie Eilish's Sexuality?

Billie Eilish
Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Billie Eilish's sexuality has been a topic on social media over the weekend. This quite personal question has been swirling on platforms like Twitter, TikTok, and even YouTube after she called out Variety for allegedly outing her in an interview.

What is Billie Eilish's Sexuality?

As Billie Eilish arrived at the Red Carpet event for the 2023 Variety Hitmakers Brunch last Dec. 2, 2023, in Los Angeles, California, she was stopped by for a quick interview reflecting her recognition for Film Music of the Year for her hit song, "What Was I Made For?" in the movie, "Barbie." (via Billboard)

As Eilish became confident on the red carpet interview, Variety's Tiana DeNicola asked her - "Did you mean to come out in [your cover story]?"

For those who do not know, Eilish admitted to liking girls in her Variety cover story earlier that year saying that she's "attracted to [women] for real ... I'm physically attracted to them. But I'm also so intimidated by them and their beauty and their presence."

Eilish was gracious enough to answer DeNicola's question.

"No I didn't, but I kinda thought, Wasn't it obvious?" she cheekily said before saying that she "just don't believe in" coming out. "I'm just like, why can't we just exist? I've been doing this for a long time, and I just didn't talk about it. Whoops. But ... I saw the article and I was like, 'Oh! I guess I came out today!'" she added.

Billie Eilish Calls Out Variety For 'Outing' Her

However, after the event, Eilish went on Instagram and called out the publication. She said: "thanks variety for my award and for also outing me on a red carpet at 11 am instead of talking about anything else that matters. "i like boys and girls leave me alone about it please literally who cares "stream 'what was i made for'."

Billie Eilish Sexuality Causes Confusion

Over on Twitter/X, fans were also confused with how she reacted on Variety, allegedly outing her sexuality.

Meanwhile, many felt for Eilish as they pointed out that publications should not discuss these types of personal information.

"The elephants in the room behind Billie Eilish's sexuality being denied by the public: biphobia and monosexism. The reason people accused her of queerbaiting is because the world cannot acknowledge that a queer person does not have to fall on only one side of a spectrum," a fan shared.

Eilish reportedly lost over a hundred thousand of followers on Instagram since the interview.

Billie Eilish
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