Queen + Adam Lambert ringing in the New Year in London with a small show that you are now invited to watch. The group will stream its Westminister Central Hall gig via BBC Music so fans with an Internet connection can join in on the festivities. The band dropped a trailer for the show Wednesday, Dec. 24, featuring Lambert leading the group on Freddie Mercury's solo tune "I Was Born to Love You," Ultimate Classic Rock notes."I never imagined we would be around to usher in the year of 2015," drummer Roger Taylor said previously. "What a thrill! We promise you a great night."The stream will go live at 6:15 p.m. Dec. 31 as England prepares to ring in the New Year. Watch the show here. The concert will be followed by a fireworks display. -
Adam Lambert or Freddie Mercury? Queen's Brian May Says 'American Idol' Alum Has Better Range
You know those people who say they were "born in the wrong era" and wish they could have been a teenager in the 1960s or '70s? That is basically Adam Lambert, who rose to pop fame with "American Idol" at the turn of the decade. He was as close to late Queen singer Freddie Mercury as a new star could get, but he could not nail down a perfect fit in the music world.Until Queen came calling in 2011, that is. Then the pieces fell into place immediately. One of the world's most storied rock bands got a third wind — after a forgettable era with Paul Rodgers — and Lambert got his chance to eschew pop for the coolest cover gig ever.Now — get this — Brian May is throwing out some serious compliments."They're difficult songs to sing, Queen songs," he told Japan's Universal Music, via "Billboard." "There's too much range. So many people can't sing them in the original key — even if they are good singers, Adam comes along, [and] he can do it easy. He can do it in his sleep! He can sing higher than even Freddie could in a live situation. So I think Freddie would look at this guy and think, 'Hmm ... Yeah. OK.' There would be a kind of, 'Hmm ... You bastard. You can do this.'" -
Brian May Says Foo Fighters Are 'Very Close, Spiritually' To Queen [WATCH]
May is a big Foo Fighters fan. So much so that he put them in a similar class with Queen during a recent interview. -
WATCH: Lady Gaga Makes Surprise Appearance At Queen Concert In Australia
During their Aug. 27 show in Australia, fans of the Adam Lambert-led Queen were delighted (and surprised) when Lady Gaga made a surprise appearance to performance alongside the band, according to Rolling Stone. -
Queen: Producer Confirms New Freddie Mercury Material
Last July, producer William Orbit (Madonna, Britney Spears) announced that he was working on a Mercury/Michael Jackson single that could now be part of the new album. Then last week, Orbit took to Twitter to put classic rock fans on the edges of their seats. -
Queen touring again? Brian May talks shows with Roger Taylor
Guitarist Brian May of Queen is hinting at upcoming shows with drummer Roger Taylor. Guitarist Brian May of Queen is hinting at upcoming shows with drummer Roger Taylor. -
Queen guitarist Brian May experience 'health scare,' undergoing testing for cancer
Legendary rock guitarist Brian May is having quite the health scare. The Queen band member has announced that he is undergoing "urgent tests" for cancer screening after experiencing some terrible back pain. -
Michael Jackson Freddie Mercury DUET [PHOTOS]:Three Decades Later Fans Will Hear MJ and Mercury 1983 Recorded Duet Fall 2013
Is it Christmas in July? This may be music to real music fans ears...literally. The King and QUEEN of Pop Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury unlreleased duets are said to be revealed Fall 2013... -
Freddie Mercury Movie: Sacha Baron Cohen Drops out of Queen Vocalist's Biopic
Actor Sacha Baron Cohen announced on Monday that he was dropping out of plans to star as Freddie Mercury in a biopic about the Queen vocalist's life. Cohen cited creative differences with the surviving members of the band as his reason for dropping out.
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