• Is Amal Clooney Sick of George's Friends Already?

    We have heard right from the start that Amal Clooney was totally different from any of the other cookie-cutter women whom George Clooney was usually linked to. Most of his relationships over the last two decades seemed to have an 18-month expiration date, and while the ladies may have been hot, they brought little else to the table. Amal, to put it simply, does not need him. She has a career, money in the bank and an established circle of friends that existed before she met George. That means she is less inclined to put up with anything his previous women might have.Let's face it: As long as George was paying for luxurious trips, all of those other women probably did not complain about much of anything. Amal, on the other hand, is different. She knew George likes to have the guys around a lot, but she is reportedly beginning to get a little tired of always entertaining his motley Hollywood crew. According to a few sources, Amal prefers to align herself with fellow lawyers, scientists and doctors, so having to sit through too many evenings with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill is not her idea of fun.
  • A Rash in Bets Made Bookmakers Think that Queen Elizabeth May Abdicate the Throne on Christmas Day

    Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. At least, that is the thinking that prompted a popular British bookmaker to suspend betting on the notion that Queen Elizabeth II will announce that she is abdicating the throne during her Christmas Day speech. Apparently, a rash of bets were rolling in, leading Coral to initially offer odds of 10-1 that Elizabeth was about to hand over power. Then they suspected that maybe a tip had come from Buckingham Palace, leading to the sudden spike, and so they suspended betting altogether.As for whether or not Elizabeth actually is ready to shift power over to either Prince Charles or Prince William, sources say it is not happening. The queen signed on for a lifetime of serving the British people, and that is how she intends to spend her final days right to the end. While it is the palace's official policy not to comment on anything connected to bookmakers, it is worth noting that Elizabeth has never addressed any kind of personal matters during her Christmas Day message and this year's has already been recorded.Queen Elizabeth's health has been failing for the last few years, but no serious diagnosis has ever been made public. We simply have heard that old age is causing her body to slow down, but in day-to-day life the queen is still quite hands-on with the family business. Given that fact, it makes sense that she would be more inclined to hang on to power until her last breath.
  • Prince William Finally Chooses a Press Secretary, Jason Knauf to Represent Himself, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry

    Prince William has finally made up his mind about hiring a new press secretary for the Kensington Palace office that represents not only him, but also Kate Middleton and Prince Harry. Jason Knauf has taken on the larger than life job and will officially be joining the royals at the start of next year. He is an American that currently has managed to guide the Royal Bank of Scotland Group through a sea of scandals, including a billion dollar bailout by the government.
  • Kim Kardashian Bans Kanye West From Contacting Ex-Girlfriend Amber Rose

    Ever since Kim Kardashian married Kanye West last May, we have heard horror stories about how she is completely under his thumb. Supposedly, West controls her every decision and he has a GPS on her phone so he can find his bride at all times. Eventually, something was going to wake Kardashian up from her Stepford Wife phase, and it seems Amber Rose's split from Wiz Khalifa may have done just that.