• Bruce Jenner May Face Manslaughter Charges if New Video Is Accurate

    It sounds like investigators who are trying to piece together that deadly car crash that Bruce Jenner was involved in nearly two weeks ago were just handed a big piece to their puzzle. A Mendocino Transit Authority bus on the opposite side of the highway actually captured video footage of the entire crash. If what we are hearing ends up being true, then it looks like Jenner might have been following the Lexus in front of him too closely. He may face manslaughter charges if the new video is accurate.
  • AirAsia Flight 8501's Pilot Was Out of His Seat When Doomed Plane Lost Control

    It has been almost two weeks since the black boxes for AirAsia Flight 8501 have been recovered and investigators are working hard to not only determine the cause of the crash, but also to piece together those last few minutes of the ill-fated flight. Flight 8501 plunged into the Java Sea on December 28 killing all 162 on board. Bad weather is believed to have played a significant part in the crash but now it's also looking like a mechanical problem may have even complicated things more.
  • Divers Have Found Both Black Boxes from AirAsia Flight 8501

    Investigators in charge of finding out what caused the demise of AirAsia Flight 8501 a little more than two weeks ago have just retrieved a major piece to the puzzle. On Monday, Jan. 12, divers recovered the flight data recorder from beneath a wing at the bottom of the Java Sea. They also have located the cockpit voice recorder about 105 feet below the water, buried beneath wreckage. Divers are reportedly working to free that second black box from beneath heavy wreckage.Flight 8501 left Surabaya for Singapore two Sundays ago only to find itself caught in horrible weather. The pilot had asked for permission to climb to a higher altitude and, by the time that permission was granted a few minutes later, all contact had already been lost with the craft. Indonesian officials have speculated that icing may have built up, causing the engine to stall out and leading to the plane plummeting into the sea.Everything at this point is sheer speculation, but two things are certain, though. There were six other planes flying in exactly the same storm as Flight 8501 and they made it safely to their destinations, so this flight should not have even been in the air. AirAsia is permitted to run the Surabaya-to-Singapore route four days a week, and Sunday is not one of those days, so if they had been following their legal guidelines this plane would never have been in the air, let alone lost.Investigators are hopeful that they will get answers about what happened from these boxes.
  • New Book Claims that John F. Kennedy Jr. Had an Affair with a Married Woman that Jackie Kennedy Hated: Madonna

    It is kind of hard to believe that it has been 15 years since John F. Kennedy Jr.'s plane flew off course, resorting in a crash landing that killed himself, his wife Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessette. More often than not, when JFK Jr. is discussed it is in connection to his fiery marriage or his thriving career before his death. It is almost easy to forget about how popular and active he was before he settled into the role of being a responsible, married man. A new book, "The Good Son: JFK Jr. and the Mother He Loved" by Christopher Andersen, is about to remind fans of the Kennedys what JFK Jr.'s earlier years were like, and it takes a close look at his relationship with Jackie Kennedy through the years. One semi-surprise Andersen reveals is JFK Jr.'s romance with Madonna and the lousy job the two did of keeping it under wraps while she was still married to Sean Penn. Jackie Kennedy was no fan of Madonna either, as she reminded her of Marilyn Monroe.
  • Official Report Indicates That Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Was Shot Down By A Missile Over Ukraine

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was a regularly scheduled flight that shuttled passengers from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur until that horrific trip last July 17th that left 253 passengers and 15 crew members dead near Torez in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine. The plane crashed in a region of heavy fighting and in the weeks that followed both Russia and the Ukraine tried to blame each other, each saying that the other side likely fired a missile at the passenger plane that ultimately brought it careening into the ground. Today a new report was issued by the Dutch Safety Board stating that MH17 was likely brought down by a missile.