• 8 Artists Who Are Taking Too Long To Release New Albums: Dr. Dre, Lauryn Hill And More

    This has been a pretty exciting couple of days for fans of both Modest Mouse and D'Angelo, with both artists announcing their first new albums in quite some time (Modest Mouse's last album came out in 2007, while D'Angelo's was 2000). Now that these two artists have finally decided to release some new music, here are eight more artists that have been taking far too long to put out new albums.
  • 9 Rock Albums Whose Producers Co-Wrote The Music: Fun., The Black Keys, And More

    In genres such as pop and hip-hop, it's pretty much standard for a producer to have an active role in the album's songwriting, especially if they're working with a solo artist, but this is pretty uncommon when working with rock bands, who tend to write their own material. These nine albums, however, feature extensive songwriting contributions from their producers, even though they were made by rock bands.
  • 11 Great Albums With 11 Songs: Fleetwood Mac, Radiohead, And More

    If you're obsessed with albums like I am, the number of songs in a tracklist has an inexplicable significance. While having 10, 12, or 15 tracks seems very neat and tidy, and having nine or less seems vaguely progressive, 11 tracks bursts with confidence, as if the artist had too many good songs for 10, but didn't want to pad it with 12. In honor of Nov. 11 (11/11!), here are the 11 best albums with 11 tracks.
  • Seven Awesome Artists Who Are Ruined by Their Fans: Bob Marley, Oasis, and more

    We all know at least one person who is so incredibly irritating that you refuse to listen to anything they say. If there's this one band they keep suggesting to you, you simply refuse to look into them, out of fear that you'll actually enjoy them and become irritating, too. Here are seven artists whose fans make me embarrassed to be a fan.