• 5 Great Grunge Documentaries Not Based on Kurt Cobain

    No music documentary has gotten as much hype this year as 'Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck,' the document on the life of Nirvana's frontman featuring new footage, new songs, and potentially even a sex tape featuring Courtney Love (not really...but director Brett Morgen had a chance). Cobain was arguably the most influential musician of the '90s, a demigod among many music icons that emerged from Seattle's grunge scene. We can't wait to check out Montage of Heck but for the time being we recommend you check out these other five documentaries that look at aspects of Seattle's rock scene during the era, looking at Pearl Jam, Mudhoney and more. No, 'Singles' isn't one of them.
  • Seven Hilarious Movie Cameos by Musicians: David Bowie, The Wu-Tang Clan, and more

    A well-placed cameo appearance in a film can be a lot of fun, but there’s nothing really surprising about seeing an actor appear as themselves, since you’ve already seen them in movies a hundred times. The most interesting cameos are by musicians, since they’re usually unexpected, and sometimes these cameos become highlights of the film. Here are seven films with hilarious cameo appearances from musicians.
  • Nirvana Original Contract Placed on Tumblr by Record Label Sub Pop

    An awesome piece of memorabilia has been put on Tumblr by the folks at Seattle music label Sub Pop. The piece of paper seems to be the original contract signed by Nirvana when it joined the label in 1988 (the contract was signed in '88, the actual term began in 1989).